The first and basic principle of working in a shop where XXL clothing is sold is unquestionable. And if you read this sentence you feel that it is obvious that you have encountered many times, then please consider whether you have definitely eliminated all the behaviors that can be taken to put pressure on the customer. Why do I write about it? Because still in the XXL clothing stores, you can observe the behavior of the salesman. It is unprofessional and discourages buyers, creating a lack of trust. You are then perceived as a person who wants to get your own benefit at the expense of the customer. Remember that the customer has the right to choose what is good for her. What if she asks for advice? And this is a completely different matter. Remember to take care of it. Do not induce the purchase the customer will regret about.
When the customer enters the store, leave her space and freedom. Let her feel that you are in sight and she can ask for help at any time. At the same time, relieve the customer looking for XXL clothing of your drilling and impatient eyes on her. Leave her free. After some time if you see that the customer is still moving the hangers you can approach and start the conversation. It is worth not use the most irritating text: “Can I help you?”, only use the prepared alternative already. For example:
“I see you are looking for the pants. If you tell me what is important for you, I will suggest the most suitable model.”
“Looking for a dress for a specific occasion or the everyday one?” And then “What colors do you like?”
Freely, gently and with a smile. Without the pressure. Without insisting. If you feel that the client obviously does not want to talk and doesn’t need your help, say,
“If I can only help you with any issues, I’m at your disposal”
Very few stores have customer service at such a level. What is the effect? Customers do not feel like coming back later.
Make the customer feel comfortable in the shop. Many of them have a corner in which the accompanying gentlemen can sit and read without the pressure of time on their wives. Some shops offer coffee or tea. If the client feels comfortable then she will want to come back. Sometimes not even because XXL clothing found in your store is absolutely unique, but because the atmosphere is good. And there are not many places like these. It is also worth to take care of calm and gentle music in the background, which is quiet, but also brings mood to the store. I do not recommend radio stations.
Many stores collect email addresses and phone numbers. Then, you can send SMS and e-mails to inform the clients about interesting suggestions. If the phone number database contains 1000 entries, then one size line of some interesting model is spread out rapidly. Facebook has become a frequent tool for keeping in touch with clients. If the customer is served at the highest level and occasionally encounters information from the store, there is a high probability that she will come again. It is much easier to keep a customer who already knows the XXL clothing store than find a new one.